John Pearson Studio

Above: Spore-Scape 6

Summer 2024

Two shows!

Opening July 26 is "Hot Off the Press,” the Highpoint Center for Printmaking Coop’s annual summer show. It will be on view until August 24. This show presents two of my larger pieces including "Spore-Scape 6", shown here, and the just-finished print, "Trails of the Lonesome Pines".

Opening August 9, will be my solo exhibit, “Upon Further Examination” at the Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, Wisconsin. This will be a reprise – with a number of surprises! – of my show at Artistry last spring.

Heading up north summer? Ripple River Gallery near Aitkin carries a number of my pieces, including both polymer photogravure and traditional copperplate intaglio works.

Follow me on Instagram: johnpears0n
John Pearson Studio
1760 Stanford Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105